Directions to Carrickmacross XC Venue
When you are approaching Carrickmacross from the Monaghan direction, close to the end of the straight on the main rd there is a sign for Longfield Etra on your left, turn off here and follow that road until you get to a crossroads, turn left and follow this road for about 2-3 miles and having gone around a bad corner the field where the race takes place in 300m further on the left handside. Parking is in the field unless otherwise directed On Sunday 19th November the second of the County Cross Country Championships takes place in Carrickmacross at 1pm. The venue is Thomas Linden Land on the Crossmaglen Rd. As the event starts at 1pm we expect all athletes to be there no later than 12:15pm, to walk the course and warm up. All athletes must check in with coaches. Where possible athletes are advised to use spikes, wear shorts and club vest or T Shirt while racing. Athletes and parents are advised to wear appropriate warm gear as well as a rain jacket. Entry Fee is 3 Euro per athlete. We expect a full turnout of athletes for this event. This is a counting round also for all Senior and Masters Athletes. Distances are as follows.
Under 9 – 400m (Born 2009/10) Under 11 – 800m (Born 2007/2008), Under 13 – 1000m (Born 2005/2006) Under 15 – Girls 1500m, Boys 2000m (Born 2003/2004) Under 17 – Girls 2000m, Boys 3000m (Born 2001/2002) Intermediate & Masters Ladies O/35– 3000m, Masters Men O/40 5000m, Intermediate Men 6000m. |
September 2020
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